Page history
22 March 2021
6 January 2021
18 November 2020
→Lab Exercise: Create a Fabric task called makeUser()
→Create non-privileged tasks: Getting the hostname of remote machines
→Create non-privileged tasks: Getting the hostname of remote machines
→PART 2: running privileged commands on remote machines
6 July 2020
→PART 2: running privileged commands on remote machines
→Lab Exercise: Create a Fabric task called makeUser()
→Run the privileged yum command on remote machine using ad-hoc fab command
→Run the "yum" command on remote machine with SSH
→PART 3: Set up SSH login with public key authentication
→PART 2: Connect to VM in
→PART 2: Connect to VM in
→PART 1 - Configure and test your controller workstation
→INVESTIGATION 1: The Fabric Environment