→PART 2: Connect to VM in myvmlab.senecacollege.ca
:* password: (let's assume it is 'P@ssw0rd' for the following instruction in this lab)
:* port number for SSH access via myvmlab.senecacollege.ca (e.g. 7200)
: This VM will be used as the remote Linux machine in our Fabric environment. Login to matrix and try the following SSH command to test the connectivity between matrix and your assignment assigned VM:
[raymond.chan@mtrx-node05pd lab8]$ ssh -p 7200 student@myvmlab.senecacollege.ca
student@myvmlab.senecacollege.ca's password:[type the password for the student user here]
Last login: Fri Jul 3 11:06:24 2020 from mtrx-node05pd.dcm.senecacollege.ca