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OPS435 Online Lab8

10 bytes removed, 09:05, 6 July 2020
INVESTIGATION 1: The Fabric Environment
:# Controller workstation - the machine that has the Fabric package installed and runs the "fab" command
:## the Fabric Python Library (aka the fabric api)- the fabric package (already installed on matrix):## the Fabric API - fabric.api:## the Fabric command - '''fab''': run runs Fabric script, name of the script is default to in the current working directory unless specified otherwise with the '-f' option.
:## Fabric script: contains fabric environment object value and Python functions (or tasks) to be executed by the '''fab''' command.
:# Remote machine: the target machine on which one or more Fabric tasks will be executed.
:## running the ssh server daemon
:## use public key (or password based) authentication for ssh connectionconnections
== PART 1 - Configure and test your controller workstation ==

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