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OPS435 Online Lab8

49 bytes added, 18:34, 4 July 2020
Lab Exercise: Create a Fabric task called makeUser()
= Lab Exercise: Create a Fabric task called makeUser() =
: Study the Fabric API run(), sudo(), and put() and utilize them to create a new Fabric task called makeUser(): The makeUser() function task should perform the followingon a remote machine to:
:* create a new user called "ops435p" with home directory "/home/ops435p".
:* add it the new user to the sudo group called "wheel". :* ask your professor for a add the ssh public key and add it to obtained from your instructor the file named "authorized_keys" in the ~ops435p/.ssh directory. Make sure that you set the proper ownership and permissions on both the directory ~ops435p/.ssh and the file "~ops435p/.ssh/authorized_keys.
:Add the makeUser() to your final version of
:Run the new task makeUser() on your VM.

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