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OPS435 Online Lab8

5 bytes removed, 14:21, 18 November 2020
Create non-privileged tasks: Getting the hostname of remote machines
: Notice that there is no need to specify the user name at the '''fab''' command line since we defined it in the fabric script file (env.user = 'student'). Also notice that we can capture the host name returned from the "hostname" command and print it out together with an descriptive text in a line.
:In the above executed '''fab''' command, the fab program imports the fabric script named "" and execute the getHostname function on the VM connect at port 7200 on Note that the port number for your first VM will likely be of has a different value.
: If you did all the setup right and you got a password prompt when execute the above command, read the prompt carefully and see who's password it was prompting you for. If it is not for the user student, verify that you have the following line in your and you can ssh to your VM as the user student without password:

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