H file specify a file meant for a specific host. H files are used by creating a file called <filename>.H_<FQDN>. H files should only be files who's content are totally unique to that file, such as certificates or keys. If there are minor changes required, such as usernames, hostnames or the like the better option is to use a templating system such as [[#TCheetah|TCheetah]]. H files always take priority over G files.
====Info Files====
If you wish bcfg2 to push out executable scripts, or have specific permissions applied to files, the directory that contains the file must have a :info file.
Common entries for :info files include:
* Owner: the file owner
** Syntax-> owner: apache
* Group: The group ownership for the file
** Syntax-> group: libvirt
* Perms: File permissions
** Syntax-> perms: 755