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Bcfg2 Configuration

39 bytes added, 09:13, 21 March 2012
TCheetah is a python based templating system that can be used in bcfg2. To enable TCheetah to be used in bcfg2, add the entry "Metadata,TCheetah" to the end of the plugins line in /etc/bcfg2.conf on the server. This will enable the TCheetah plugin and the Metadata plugin, which allows TCheetah to access elements of the client's Metadata.
The main purpose of TCheetah is to enable dynamic file content to be generated based off of client details, say if a particular configuration file needs a hostname. The /var/lib/bcfg2/TCheetah directory uses a similar structure to the [[#Cfg|Cfg]] plugin, and can use [[#G Files|G]] and [[#H Files|H]] files. However, the template files must be named template. TCheetah can also use [[#Info Files]]
The contents of the files themselves are similar to configuration files, however there are a number of variables that can be used in the files themselves. These variables all start with "$self.metadata" and are discussed in greater detail in the official documentation. The more commonly used ones are:

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