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Bcfg2 Configuration

733 bytes added, 14:21, 16 March 2012
The Probes plugin allows information to be collected from a client before bcfg2 generates a configuration for it. This information can be used by [[#TCheetah|templating systems]] or by [[#Magic Groups and Probes| magic groups]] to customized configuration for a given client. To make use of the Probes plugin, add the entry "Probes" to the Plugins section of "/etc/bcfg2.conf".
Probes should be placed under /var/lib/bcfg2/Probes and are nothing more than simple shell scripts. An example probe which probes the architecture of an ARM machine is as follows:
barch=$(uname -a | sed 's/\./\n/g' | grep ^arm)
if echo $barch | grep h > /dev/null ; then echo "group: armhfp" ; else echo "group: arm"; fi

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