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C3dl RTS

18 bytes removed, 11:07, 2 March 2010
//homes only
numOfOccupants; //the number of people in the building
maxNumOfOccupants; //the maximum amount of people allowed in the building
numOfBanks; //the number of nearby banks, this will affect the amount of money each building will make
isInhabitable; //can the building house people, burned buildings cannot have people
//all buildings
isBurning; //is the building burning
health; //the current health of the building
maxHealth; //the maximum health of the building
level; //the building's level, this will affect maxNumOfOccupants, maxHealth, and rapairRate
//firestation and lumber mill
[] adjacentBuilding; //a list of nearby buildings that needed to determine which buildings can be extinguish and repaired
repairRate; //the rate at which the building is repaired or extinguished after fire damage
initialDamage; //how much health is deducted on attack
frequencyOfAttack; //

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