Project Name
Project Description
Processing.js is a proposed Mozilla-sponsored project, its main purpose is to wrap Java-based language functions into Javascript. The purpose of this is to use visuals on the open web, using standard technologies such as JavaScript and Canvas.
Read more about processing for the web
Read more about Canvas
Read more about Drawing with Canvas
Check out for a cool visual.
Project Leader(s)
Name/User Page | Blog | IRC Nick(s) |
David Humphrey | blog | humph |
Anna Sobiepanek | blog | annasob |
Andor Salga | blog | asalga |
Mickael Medel | blog | aSydiK |
Matthew Lam | blog | mlam19 |
Daniel Hodgin | blog | dhodgin |
Tiago Moreira | blog | Kamots |
Dominic Baranski | blog | dcbarans |
Project Contributor(s)
Name/User Page | Blog | IRC Nick(s) |
Abel Allison | blog | aallison |
Andrew Grimo | blog |
Former Member(s)
Name/User Page | Blog | IRC Nick(s) |
Donghui Liu | blog | dliu53 |
Edward Sin | blog | MinyXO |
Alex Londono | blog | Tyrant911 |
Carlos Xudiera | blog | xudiera |
Related Bugs
- Bug 381930 - No repaint inside very large canvas
- Bug 370450 - Safari "canvas" demonstration cause Minefield to hang while page is loaded
- Bug 408372 - <canvas> canvas animation is jerky on Firefox 3 beta 1, Linux x86_64
- Bug 501677 - Drawing lines in big Canvas don't work always
- Bug 518173 - webgl does not build on Darwin/X11 (bad gl.h)
- Bug 411475 - Canvas3D not working on Radeon 9250
- Bug 488271 - Examples crash with ATI on Vista
- Bug 480993 - Canvas 3D spec tests
Project Details
Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. Processing is an alternative to proprietary software tools in the same domain.
Processing.js will:
- enable Processing users to take advantage of the full power of the open web
- serve as a forcing function to drive improvements in key aspects of Mozilla products and technologies, including; JavaScript, Camvas Functionality, applications of Bespin, Ubiquity, Multi-Touch and others
Read more on the project Processing For The Web.
Project Task List is here
- Processing (Java) @
- Processing JS code @
- Minefield builds for WebGL (build your own or See also Vlad's post on this:
- Git, & a great video tutorial on Git @
- AlertThingy (can plug your Github repo rss feed in and get live updates when other users submit code) @
- HasCanvas, a Processing JS IDE @
- Recent interview with creators of Processing about the language and its future
- Download the Java version of Processing @
- Look at what Processing Java is capable of @
- Look at what has been done with Processing JS so far @ & @
- Read Processing articles "Getting Started" & "Coordiante System & Shapes" @ & @
- Experiment around with the Processing Java app, use the Basic Examples @ and make something cool, interesting, wacky, where-ever your experiment takes you.
- Test whether you can re-create your sketch by copying your code to You can share your work so others can see what you have done, you can also use hasCanvas to embed your visualization in your web site / blog.
Conference Call
Up until the end of April, we will be doing conference calls with the processing.js developers on a weekly basis. We will post the links to the minutes here as well as any agendas, etc.
Call Details
Call will take place Thursdays at 5:15pm
Primary Dial-in Numbers
+1 416-848-3114 [ Extension 92, Conference# 7600 ] (Canada)
+1 800-707-2533 [ Pin 369, Conference# 7600 ] (Canada/US Toll Free)
3D Implementation Roadmap
I have done my best to identify what tickets will block others and have created
a roadmap for integrating 3D into the library. I have done so by analyzing the
Processing site and looking through the Processing source.
Items marked 'fix' have been reviewed but need to corrected.
Items marked 'implement' need to be coded, but it also implies writing a good test.
Items marked 'write test' are done, but need a test before they can be reviewed.
A good test should take a peer-reviewer only a few minutes to check and pass on for super-review.
We still need to address what will happen if a ticket isn't complete. This roadmap needs to be
robust enough to not crumble if this occurs.
Release 0.5
- Fix camera()
- Write test for camera()
- Fix perspective()
- Write test for perspective()
- Fix P3DMatrixStack
- Write test for P3DMatrixStack
- Write setUniformf()
- Write setUniformi()
- Write setUniformMatrix()
- Write test for frustum()
- Write test for PMatrix3D trans(), mult(), set(), apply(), scale()
- Fix box()
- Write test for PMatrix3D rotateX()
- Write test for PMatrix3D rotateY()
- Write test for PMatrix3D rotateZ()
- Write test for PMatrix3D rotate()
- Write test for PMatrix3D applyMatrix
- Write test for PMatrix3D reset()
Once 0.5 tickets are in, we will each be able to render
a simple box to test the functions we will be writing for 0.6
Release 0.6
- Implement resetMatrix()
- Implement pushMatrix()
- Implement popMatrix()
- Implement translate()
- Implement scale()
- Implement applyMatrix()
- Implement 3D noStroke()
- Implement 3D stroke()
- Implement 3D fill()
- Implement 3D noFill()
- Write test for sphere()
- Write test for sphereDetail()
- Implement rotateX()
- Implement rotateY()
- Implement rotateZ()
0.6 "extras" not mandatory, but no longer blocked
- Write test for ortho()
- Implement printCamera()
- Implement printProjection()
- Implement hint()
- Write test for screenX()
- Write test for screenY()
- Write test for screenZ()
Release 0.7
0.7 "extras" not mandatory, but no longer blocked
- Implement beginCamera()
- Implement endCamera()
- Write test for modelX()
- Write test for modelY()
- Write test for modelZ()
Release 0.8
- Update DirectionalLight test
- Update ambientLight test
- Implement pointLight()
- Implement emissive()
??? still trying to sort these out
PGraphics blocks triangle, quad, vertex, bezierVertex, rect()