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XULRunner 1.8

706 bytes added, 13:34, 25 November 2006
Mac OS
# xulrunner (This is the "stub executable"... you should copy this file from
=== Linux ===
Most Linux applications are distributed as simple .tar.bz2 archives which can be unpacked by the user wherever they wish. The archive should be structured as follows:
* appname/
o application.ini
o components/
+ ... components which are part of the application
o chrome/
+ ... chrome which is part of the application
o ... additional application files such as icons, etc
o myapplicationname (This is the "stub executable"... you should copy and rename this file from xulrunner-stub in your XULRunner installation.)
o xulrunner/
+ ... copy xulrunner/ to this directory

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