→Comments on the Documenatation
==Comments on the Documenatation==
'''Getting Started''Draft .'* I was not sure what to do after unzipping the win32.zip file. will be fixed'''''
'''Comments on The README.txt File
* The README.txt file is hard to read in notepad. There's vertical scrolling I opening the file.
* In The file should have output samples to show the user what output to expect and to ensure they are on the right track.* The pre-requisites for part of the READE file, it's is missing the amount of minimum size to be allocated in the computer to complete the install.
* Following the procedures for installation was difficult. The document should number the procedures and have sample outputs to ensure the user is going on the right track
* Some of the folders which was listed in the Directory Structure was missing in the setup procedures. The Directory Structure should be used as a guilde to ensure users have the right folders in place. Also, there should be an image to represent the directory structure. Some of the folders which needed to be created on top of following the procedures are provided were: base_profile, extension_perf_testing, extension_perf_reports* The Setup part was hard to follow. Most of the steps were not intuitive. * Not Step 4 of the procedures was unclear. I was not sure what kind of YAML config file to be created. The document should tell the user expcity what the file name needs to do at be called as or tell the user they can call it however they wish. It should also show an example filename as well. '''Running The Application''' After following the beginningsetup procedures, I typed the following command:* c:\> run_tests.py config.yamlYAML And I got the following error message in the command prompt and a popup window:* base profile[[Image:Sc2.JPG]]* should have samples* the read me file is hard to read[[Image:Sc1. initialy i openned it with notepad and there was horizontal scrollingJPG]]
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