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Firefox Performance Testing : A Python framework for Windows

674 bytes added, 13:12, 24 November 2006
Comments on the Documenatation
==Comments on the Documenatation==
'''''Draft ... will be fixed'''''
* The README.txt file is hard to read in notepad. There's vertical scrolling I opening the file.
* In the pre-requisites for the READE file, it's missing the amount of size to be allocated in the computer to complete the install.
* Following the procedures for installation was difficult. The document should number the procedures and have sample outputs to ensure the user is going on the right track
* Some of the procedures are not
* Not sure of what to do at the beginning
* config.yaml
* base profile
* should have samples
* the read me file is hard to read. initialy i openned it with notepad and there was horizontal scrolling
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