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Using Italc Lab Management Tool

313 bytes added, 22:16, 29 March 2011
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# Open a shell terminal.
# Edit the sudoers file to allow the account teacher to be able to run sudo (administrative) commands by following the steps below:
:* Type '''sudo sudovi'''
:* Enter your administrator password.
:* Under the section called "# User Privilege Specification", add a line under "root ALL=(ALL) ALL" to read:
::*:'''teacher=(ALL) ALL'''# <ol><li value="5">Save your file by pressing '''CTRL-x''', then press '''y''' for yes, and '''accept the default file pathname'''.</li># <li>Exit your shell, and logout of the administrator account.</li># <li>Login to your teacher account.</li># <li>Open a shell terminal.</li># <li>Enter the following Linux commands:<ol><li>'''sudo addgroup italc'''</li><li>'''sudo adduser teacher italc'''</li><li>'''sudo chgrp -R italc /etc/italc/keys'''</li><li>'''sudo chmod -R 640 /etc/italc/keys/private'''</li><li>'''sudo chmod -R ug-x /etc/italc/keys/private'''</li></ol></li></ol>

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