Using Italc Lab Management Tool
Italc is a program that allows an instructor to control actions of a computer lab's workstation.
Some features of Italc Include:
- Classroom Manager (Overview Mode) - Allows teacher to view all student's Desktop / Applications
- Remote Desktop Control - Allows teacher to control the student's Desktop and lock-out student's access to computer session
- Snapshots - Allows teacher to take snapshot of student's Desktop / Applications
- Demo Mode - Allows teacher to broadcast their desktop session on student's computers (eg. demonstrations)
- Wake-up-on-LAN - Allows teacher to power-up all workstations
- Shutdown Mode - Allows teacher to logout and power-down workstation's CPU.
Here is a link to the Italc WIKI (for more background information): [ ]
Setup of Italc
Brief description of Getting Italc to work in LTSP
There is a lot of conflicting, sparse, and confusing information regarding the setup of the Italc application via Internet documents. It is a good idea to take a few moments and explain the general setup of Italc in LTSP.
To be completed...
Installing Italc on Server
Use the synaptic package manager to install the following programs"
- libitalc
- italc-master
- italc-client
Here is a WIKI on how install applications using the Synaptic Package Manager: [ Install Applications in Ubuntu ]
Configuring Italc on Thin Client Image
The following procedure works with the Edubuntu system (with LTSP)...
- Login into the administrator account.
- Create an account called teacher. This will be the master account to control the other accounts.
- Open a shell terminal.
- Edit the sudoers file to allow the account teacher to be able to run sudo (administrative) commands by following the steps below:
- Type sudo visudo
- Enter your administrator password.
- Under the section called "# User Privilege Specification", add a line under "root ALL=(ALL) ALL" to read:
- teacher ALL=(ALL) ALL
- Save your file by pressing CTRL-x, then press y for yes, and accept the default file pathname.
- Exit your shell, and logout of the administrator account.
- Login to your teacher account.
- Open a shell terminal.
- Enter the following Linux commands:
- sudo addgroup italc
- sudo adduser teacher italc
- sudo chgrp -R italc /etc/italc/keys
- sudo chmod -R 640 /etc/italc/keys/private
- sudo chmod -R ug-x /etc/italc/keys/private
- sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/amd64
- apt-get update
NOTE: If you get error indicating source is restricted, then you must copy and paste the content from the /etc/apt/sources.list file on your server to the /etc/apt-sources.list in chroot. Then, in chroot, run apt-get update
- apt-get install libitalc italc-master
- vi /usr/share/ldm/rc.d/S20-ica-launcher
- Enter the following lines in this file:
#!/bin/sh /usr/bin/ica & true
- Save and exit this file.
- Type exit to leave chroot
- Update the image by issuing the command: sudo ltsp-update-image
- exit the terminal (shell)
- Startup a thin client, and login
- On the server launch italc master by selecting APPLICATIONS -> SYSTEM -> ITALC
- You should be able to create a classroom (eg LTSP), and add a computer. The IP address should correspond to the IP address of the thin client. To determine the address of the thin client, you can open a terminal (shell) and issue the who command. For example, my first thin client is