* In MSIE table captions are displayed at the same size as content. But in Firefox the text displays at browser default, It also exceeds the width of the table and the excess is hidden if the table is enclosed in a bounding div. The writer wants to know if Is there any way of applying a font-size to firefox table caption text while keeping the correct display in other browsers. In addition is it possible for preventing the caption width from exceeding the tables'width [http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.tech.layout/browse_thread/thread/f7872557085da571/6c3550647c850aa0#6c3550647c850aa0 firefox table captions].
* Can the Gecko engine be used to get the width information of some HTML elements (such as table,tr,td)[http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.tech.layout/browse_thread/thread/12cce877ec767ac0/1bc65afbdf4df6b1#1bc65afbdf4df6b1 Help for getting HTML element width info]
* There was a discussion about interfaces allowing multiple presshells. The writer is for the idea and believes this issue should be cleared up[http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.tech.layout/browse_thread/thread/962e3dd005e41bb7/198207d527ff7b4a#198207d527ff7b4a Multiple presshells].* The writer is seeking instructions on how to fix the table border color quirk that makes the border color dependent on the background. The quirk is a pure NN4.6 quirk[http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.tech.layout/browse_thread/thread/a09888064bc1eaf1/0f6cb460af73c8bf#0f6cb460af73c8bf Removal of the NN4.6 table border color quirk].
* The writer is trying to convert nsHTMLReflowState into a base class.
* A few changes have been made to the reflow branch.