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Westminster Lab (Collaboration Essentials)

926 bytes added, 17:29, 7 January 2011
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Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:
* xPlan a project by de-constructing elements to remove planning biases.* Define each element of the PIE curriculum development model.* Use several computer lab applications to incorporate diagrams in your WIKI to enhance project collaboration and communication.* Perform WIKI meetings to allow flexible collaboration and communication among project members.* Understand the importance of organising WIKI sections to reduce "information overload" or "inefficiencies" as a WIKI online database grows over time.* Adopt several methods to follow-up on WIKI meetings, and monitor the progress of online project collaboration.* Use informal evaluations to monitor success of a project or class.* Use several applications or techniques to foster teacher / student collaboration in the Westminster Computer Lab.* Plan, implement and evaluate a project with another team member (Project will be presented to other class members).
==== Learning Resources / Notes ====

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