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Westminster Lab (Collaboration Essentials)

910 bytes added, 17:11, 7 January 2011
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''"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it"''<br />George Santayana
This course is a continuation from the Introduction / Basics computer lab course with an emphasise on planning and collaboration tools. Students will taught the PIE framework for curriculum development and how it can also apply to project design. Students will use WIKI for online work and collaboration (WIKI meetings), but will apply additional features like embedding files and images. Various diagramming application that are available in the lab will be taught. Students will also learn how to avoid copyright issues with their WIKIs.
The later portion of the course will focus on using techniques to frequently measure progress of online collaboration tasks, and methods to measure success including informal evaluations. Additional tools will be demonstrated in order for an instructor to collaborate with their students in the computer lab.
 The course will finish with students presenting their project.
==== Course Duration ====

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