# '''What does MDC or devmo refer tois SVN?'''#: Subversion (or SVN for short) is a revision control system that is used to track changes to a project's file repository. SVN tracks changes to the repository made by each project collaborator. This allows for analyzing SVN tracks changes and can be used to analyze differences, undoing and undo changes etc. at a later time if needed. This allows for greater collaboration and speed , while minimizing (though never completely elimintating) risks associated with duplication and overwriting each others work. Project contents need not be limited to source code files.
# '''Where can I find SVN tutorials?'''
#: Detailed SVN getting started tutorials, how to guides and FAQ's other help information can be found in the [http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ free official online book] by [http://www.oreilly.com/ O'Reilly Media.]
# '''Where can I find an SVN Client?
#: Tortoise SVN is a Windows based client implemented as a shell for Windows Explorer.