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Assignment 1 Building FireFox

202 bytes removed, 11:17, 19 September 2006
Steps to Build FireFox
## At the prompt enter: cvs co mozilla/browser/config mozilla/ and a mozilla sub folder will be created inside the proj folder
## go to the mozilla folder: cd mozilla
## Create a file named .mozconfig using notepad or someother editor and place it in the mozilla directory. The contents for this file can be obtained from the Appendix Section of the Building the Fox Page [[http://cs1/wiki/index.php/Building_the_Fox#Appendix]]. You will notice that the The last line of the .mozconfig file disables the installer thus NSIS is not required. If you omit this line is missing or omitted then, NSIS (2.17 or greater) must be installed and its install directory (within it's own dorectory and not the 'bin' directory) . Which must be added to your the path.More information relating to the specifics of this file can be found in the Configuring Build Options section of the Windows build guide made available by the Mozilla Developer Center. ## Download the fource files by typing make -f checkout at the prompt
## To compile the source type make -f build

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