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Assignment 1 Building FireFox

61 bytes removed, 10:58, 19 September 2006
Steps to Build FireFox
## make the c:\proj folder. This will contain the source and object files that will be generated from the build and the checkout that will be executed later on.
## Execute the cygwin batch file (cygwin.bat) using cmd.exe. It successful a cygwin window will open with a prompt.
 For ## Once at the build prompt check to work properly we must ensure we are in see that it can access the c:\proj folder before logging on #:to CVS to checkout the source files. Issue the following commands at the Cygwin prompt #:accomplish this: cd Type c: enter and then cd proj Logon to CVS. If this directory At the command prompt ## Next type: cvs logon Enter "## You should see a prompt with your computer name.## Type anonymous" as the password (without the quotes) .Checkout ## Before a build the code needs to be checked out to make sure that it has not been damaged in anyway.## At the prompt enter: cvs co mozilla/browser/config mozilla/
The above step creates a folder called mozilla within the proj director.
Navigate to this folder by typing: cd mozilla
Create a file named .mozconfig and place it in this c:\proj\mozilla directory. This file contains the settings The contents of the this file can be found within the #.mozconfig File section of the #Appendix. You will notice that the last line of the .mozconfig file disables the installer thus NSIS is not required. If you omit this line then, NSIS (2.17 or greater) must be installed and its install directory (and not the 'bin' directory) added to your path.More information relating to the specifics of this file can be found in the Configuring Build Options section of the Windows build guide made available by the Mozilla Developer Center.
Begin source file download by issuing the following command: make -f checkout
Once the above step is completed issue the following command to To compile the source: type make -f build

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