<noinclude>----<!-- white space check --></noinclude>{{ #ifeq: {{SUBPAGENAME}} | {{{subpage-name|sandbox}}} |<!-- the sandbox -->{{ambox| type = notice| image = [[Image:Edit-paste.svg|40px]]| text =This is the [[Wikipedia:Template test cases|template sandbox]] page for [[{{NAMESPACE}}:{{BASEPAGENAME}}]].<br/>{{ #ifexist: {{ #rel2abs: ../testcases }} |See also the companion subpage for [[../testcases|test cases]].}}<br/><small>This page is not intended to be transcluded in the mainspace.</small><!-- end ambox text -->}}{{{notice-for-sandbox|<noinclude>{{ ambox | text = notice-for-sandbox }}</noinclude>}}}{{ #ifeq: {{SUBPAGENAME}} | testcases |<!-- the testcases --> |<!-- not testcases --><includeonly>[[Category:Template sandboxes|{{PAGENAME}}]]</includeonly> }} |<!-- not sandbox -->{{{notice-not-sandbox|<noinclude>{{ ambox | text = notice-not-sandbox }}</noinclude>}}}}}<noinclude>----<!-- white space check -->{{Documentation}}<!-- Add categories and inter-wikis to the /doc subpage, not here! --></noinclude>