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SPO600 64-bit Assembly Language Lab

27 bytes added, 09:29, 5 October 2022
Lab Tasks
=== Lab Tasks ===
<!-- {{Admon/tip|Answers in the Video!|The answers to the first three steps below are contained in the associated [ lecture video.]}}-->
1. Review, build, and run the aarch64 assembly language programs. Take a look at the code using <code>objdump -d '''objectfile'''</code> and compare it to the source code.
4. Extend the AArch64 code to loop from 00-30, printing each value as a 2-digit decimal number.
{{Admon/tip|2-Digit Conversion|You will need to take the loop index and convert it to a 2-digit decimal number by dividing by 10. To do this, use Read the description of the <code>div</code> division instructioncarefully. On x86_64, which takes the dividend from rax and the divisor from register supplied as an argumentyou need to set up specific registers before performing a division. The quotient On AArch64, you will be placed in rax and need to use a second instruction to find the remainder will be placed in rdxafter a division.}}
5. Change the code as needed to suppress the leading zero (printing 0-30 instead of 00-30).

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