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SPO600 64-bit Assembly Language Lab

316 bytes removed, 12:11, 18 February 2022
1. Complete the lab section, above.
2. Extend the assembler programs (both x86_64 and aarch64) to suppress the high digit when it is 0. In other words, the printed values should progress from 0-30 instead of from 00-30. It is OK to output a space in place of the suppressed digit (this will cause the numbers to be aligned vertically in the output). 3. Blog about the programs you've written. Describe the experience of writing and debugging in assembler, as compared to writing in other languages. Contrast x86_64 and aarch64 assembler, your experience with each, and your opinions of each. Include links to the source code for both each of your assembler programs. 
=== Optional Challenge ===

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