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935 bytes added, 21:44, 10 November 2007
updated completed to do list
List of to dos completed (the ones without link might be that I haven't done it yet or that I haven't linked it)
# w1 - [ Create blog], with open source label, add to the planet, create wiki account, etc -- ALL DONE
# w2 - Watched videos and wrote about them ([ link]), wrote on other's people blogs, create an account on MDC, added wiki to DPS909 students, chosen three projects -- ALL DONE# w3 - create simple makefile ('''NOT DONE'''), watch online build lecture, do a debug build and blog about it, chose project -- ALL DONE BUT FIRST
# w4 - lxr reading lab, incremental build, practice patches, there are no files that our project will be changing -- ALL DONE
# w5 - create bugzilla account, subscribe to bugs (look down in this page), watched Axel and Luser, added ways of people helping us out -- ALL DONE
# w6 - release a patch (link), subscribe to blocking bugs (bugs section down here), blog about your watching ([ link]), I helped testing the plugin watcher ([ link]), update on 0.1 release -- ALL DONE# w7 - Extension lab('''NOT DONE'''), blog about it('''NOT DONE'''), complete your 0.1 release and write a [ blog post] - MISSING FIRST TWO# w8 -Complete any outstanding labs or blog/wiki/project requirements, seek contributions, transcoding videos request -- GOTTA FINISH EXTENSION LAB# w9 - [[FSOSS_paper_by_Armen_Zambrano|FSOSS paper by Armen Zambrano]], complete your 0.2 plan, [ blog about your 0.2 plans], add new 2 contributions, complete ThunderBird lab ([ patch]) and [ blog about it]# w10 -# w11 -# w12 -# w13 -
>>>> To be continued <<<<<

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