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DPS909 & OSD600 Winter 2018

46 bytes added, 13:30, 5 March 2018
Week 8
* Guest: [ David Bruant]
* Open Data, Open Standards, Open Soure
* Building a Business on Open?
* Open Standards: [ ECMAScript] and [ WHATWG], [ W3C]
* How and Why to Read a Standard: example [ URL()]
* Participation in Standards Processes: maintenance (e.g., docs, correcting things) and evolution (e.g., adding new aspects, standardizing ad hoc things)
* Case studies: "iframe @sandbox parallizable” and ecmascript participation."parallizable"
* Comparing “big” vs. “small” contribution: working on standards is about as big as it gets.
* Discussion open source (and technology in general) as it exists in Europe vs North America, trends, opportunities, etc.

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