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* [[OSD600 and DPS909 Winter 2018 Lab 3|Lab 3]]
* [[OSD & DPS909 Winter 2018 Release 0.2|Release 0.2]]
== Week 8 ==
* Guest: [https://github.com/DavidBruant David Bruant]
* Open Standards: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript ECMAScript] and [https://whatwg.org/ WHATWG], [https://www.w3.org/ W3C]
* How and Why to Read a Standard: example [https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#url-class URL()]
* Participation in Standards Processes: maintenance (e.g., docs, correcting things) and evolution (e.g., adding new aspects, standardizing ad hoc things)
* Case studies: "@sandbox parallizable” and ecmascript participation.
* Comparing “big” vs. “small” contribution: working on standards is about as big as it gets.
* Discussion open source (and technology in general) as it exists in Europe vs North America, trends, opportunities, etc.