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22 bytes added, 23:39, 19 February 2018
Idea 1 - Jacobi Method for 2D Poisson Problem
"In numerical linear algebra, the Jacobi method (or Jacobi iterative method[1]) is an algorithm for determining the solutions of a diagonally dominant system of linear equations. Each diagonal element is solved for, and an approximate value is plugged in. The process is then iterated until it converges."
CODE - Based on PDF
The following code is based on the and code at the bottom of the source PDF, but there are some changes for these tests. The files use .cpp extensions instead of .cc, the code in was added to jacobi.cpp so it's a single file, and code for carrying out the Jacobi iterations in the main were placed into a seperate function called dojacobi() for gprof profiling.
Inputs / Performance
In a 2D PDE such as the 2D Poisson problem, the matrix will have m * n gridpoints.

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