→Design Requirements
*Create detailed system diagrams.
** UI mockups
** interaction between backend back-end components and the UI screens
** flow of data between the UI screens and data stores such as database and Android file system
** flow of data between the UI screens and Web API servers (URLs)or other devices, if applicable*Consult Apply Material Design Guidelines.**Note: If your project is UI-intensive, you are expected to apply Material Design Guidelines as much as possible. If your project is data-intensive (e.g. use of database and graphics)or back-end intensive (e.g. use of networking and Wifi connectivity), you may apply Material Design guidelines at the minimum (e.g. toolbar vs action bar).** Material Design Guidelines*** Material Design (Android Developer website) [https://developer.android.com/design/material/index.html]*** Google Design Guidelines - Material Design [http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html]** examples*** Develop android weather app with Material Design (November 3, 2014) [http://www.survivingwithandroid.com/2014/11/develop-android-weather-app-with-material-design.html]*** Google Play Books for Android gets Material Design, skimming and browsing features (October 31, 2014) [http://www.fonearena.com/blog/120648/google-play-books-for-android-gets-material-design-skimming-and-browsing-features.html]**Android 5.0 Lollipop Material Design in pictures and video (October 17, 2014) [http://www.androidcentral.com/android-50-lollipop-material-design-pictures-and-video]**UI Regions and Guidance [http://www.google.com/design/spec/layout/structure.html#]** Visual Guide to Android L Material Design - 7 Insights [http://www.designcaffeine.com/articles/visual-guide-to-android-l-material-design-7-insights-every-serious-designer-needs-to-know/]*Create the Testing Environment.** Android versions (API levels)** configurations of emulators and/or Android devices* Compatibility Issues