→Package the Mirrorlist CGI Script Library
Dependencies required:
* ping
* ifconfig
* grep
* sed
When yum performs an update or installation of a package it will refer to the static file's first line and work its way down the list.
This algorithm will execute in the following condtionsconditions
* A change in gateway IP address
* Change in DNS server IP address
* running fedora for the first time
Another Algorithm that can implemented is to rearrange the mirrorlist according to location
Note: This algorithm will not be as reliable as the first therefore time invested on this algorithm will be low
The algorithm will extract the current location of the device via time zone and geographically locate each site's location
The algorithm will rearrange the database according to the closest site server.
This works by a process of elimination
* By country
* Province/State
* City
Conditions for this algorithm:
* if ICMP is disabled
* the bandwidth is to low to download
* change of location
* restrictions on iptables