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Mirrorlist CGI Script

919 bytes added, 22:10, 9 October 2013
Package the Mirrorlist CGI Script Library
== Project Details ==
CGIDependencies required:* ping* grep* sed* awk The following are optional:* scamper The algorithm for the script measures the speed of each mirrorlist and repository within the yum mirrorlist.By using the ping command the script will capture the time for an icmp packet to return from the target destination* The script will capture 4 packets per site* awk and sed will be used to extract the last two lines of the ping results For each site, the data will be stored in a database for future references.* The database will be rearranged by using sed by ascending order* After the rearrangement the data will be append to the current yum static file.When yum performs an update or installation of a package it will refer to the static file's first line and work its way down the list. This algorithm will execute in the following condtions* A change in gateway IP address* Change in DNS server IP address    

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