Fall 2018 SPO600 Participants

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These are the participants in the SPO600 course during Fall 2018.

This page may be obsolete.
It contains historical information. For current information, please see Current SPO600 Participants.

Participant and Project Table

Sortable Table
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# Name Blog URL IRC Nick Seneca LDAP ID Role and Program
e.g., CTY Student
Project 1 Project 2 Alternate Projects Notes Regarding Projects Marks Review Requested
00 Chris Tyler http://blog.chris.tylers.info/ ctyler chris.tyler Professor murmurhash3.c (thus pysss_murmur.c) from https://pagure.io/SSSD/sssd/
01 Matthew Fletcher https://matthewsspoblog.wordpress.com mfletcher1 CPA Student
02 Shawn Pang  ! https://shawnblog1.wordpress.com shawn_comet CPA Student
03 Hojung An https://hojungan.blogspot.com han3 CPA Student bzip2
04 Luca Padula https://lucapadula.wordpress.com lpadula1 CPA Student
05 Nathan Misener http://compileofcrap.com/ nmmisener CPA Student brotli Final Submission brotli benchmark 1
06 Ekaterina Zaytseva https://ekatdev.wordpress.com/ ezaytseva CPAC Student md5deep aka hashdeep
07 Elliot Maude https://www.elliotmaude.com/category/spo600/ emaude CPA Student snappy
08 Colin McManus https://mcmanusspo.blogspot.com/ cmcmanus CPA Student ssdeep 2
09 Galina Erostenko https://gecaos.wordpress.com/ gerostenko CPD Student pluto
10 Prabhdeep Jammu https://pjcompile.wordpress.com/ pjammu CTY Student lzop 2
11 Steven Le https://stevenleopensourceblog.wordpress.com/ sle4 CPA Student zopfli
12 Fahad Karar https://fahadkarar1.wordpress.com/blog/ fkarar CPA Student rHash
13 Harley Sims https://hfsimsspo.blogspot.com/ hfsims CPA Student ZStandard
14 Edgard Arvelaez https://e4lejandr0.github.io/ akdev earvelaez-diaz CPA Student libc++
15 Danny Chuk-Fong Chen https://dcchen.home.blog/ dcchen CTY Student argon2
16 Mohammad Yasir https://myasir.ca/blog myasir2 CPAC Student
17 Guozhao Liang https://kcleungdotblog.wordpress.com/ gliang14 CPAC Student sparsehash
18 Arnav Bansal https://abansalsspo600.wordpress.com/ abansal5 CPAC Student Free tiger
19 Ryan Hayes https://rhayesspo600.blogspot.com/ rhayes2 CPA Student Cowpatty CowpattyStage2
20 Raymond Kiguru https://rkspo600.wordpress.com/ rkiguru CPA Student gnupg
21 Minghan Xu https://minghans.wordpress.com/ mxu57 CPD Student git '
22 Atilla Puskas https://apspo600.blogspot.com/ Atilla CPA Student LZMA 7zip alt google/guetzli
23 Milan Dave https://milanspoblog.home.blog/ mkdave CPD Student mHash
24 Muchtar Salimov https://muchtarosd600.home.blog msalimov CPA Student cityhash
25 Dillon Coull https://dcoullspo.wordpress.com dcoull CPA Student
26 Ebaad Ali https://ebaadali.wordpress.com eali11 CPA Student Spooky Hash 2
27 Jacob Adach https://jadach1.wixsite.com/mysite/blog jadach1 CPA Student whirlpoolsum
28 Ahmad Anees https://myidealcustomer.blogspot.com/ aanees1 CPA Student Redis
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Column definitions

  • # - Sequential line number
  • Name - Your full name, linked to your wiki user profile page (please place contact information there).
  • IRC Nick(s) - Your nicks (nicknames) as used on IRC. Leave this blank if you're not using IRC yet.
  • Seneca LDAP Id - Your Seneca LDAP identifier, used for your Seneca email account, student record access, computer login, server accounts, and so forth.
  • Role - Professor, CTY Student, CTYC Student, IFS Student, CDOT Researcher, etc.

Leave these fields blank to start:

  • Project 1 - Link to your first SPO600 software package wiki page. Leave blank if you have not selected your SPO600 projects yet.
  • Project 2 - Link to your second SPO600 software package wiki page. Leave blank if you have not selected your SPO600 projects yet.
  • Alternate Projects - Projects you are interested in doing if your selected project is not approved.
  • Notes Regarding Project - Any comments you have about your project selection.
  • Project Approval - Initialed by your professor when your project selection is approved; may also contain a note about comments on the Talk page.

Instructions - Participant Information

Please add your name and Seneca LDAP ID as soon as possible. Link your name to your Wiki user page.

Instructions - Marks Review

To request a review of your marks, please: (1) Put an entry in the "Marks Review Requested" column with the appropriate keyword(s): Sep/Oct/Nov/Dec to request a review of the blog marks for the corresponding month, or 1/2/3 to request a review of the corresponding project stage. (2) Send me an email with the details.