Fall 2023 SPO600 Participants

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These are the participants in the SPO600 course during Fall 2022. It will be updated from information submitted through the SPO600 Communication Tools form.

Participant and Project Table

Sortable Table
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# Name Preferred name or nickname Blog URL Seneca LDAP ID
0 Chris Tyler Chris chris.tyler
1 Hyunjeong Choi Avelyn https://dev.to/avelynhc hchoi72
2 Bao Vy Vuong Vivy Vuong https://devvivy.wordpress.com/ bvvuong
3 Ian Jacobs Ian https://dev.to/ijacobscpa ijacobs
4 Artem Pankov Artem Pankov https://blog08310.wordpress.com/ apankov
5 Joseph McDonald Joseph https://learningtooptimize.wordpress.com/ jpmcdonald1
6 Pratham Garg Pratham https://spo600-pratham-garg.hashnode.dev/ - https://aarch64problog.wordpress.com/ pgarg13
7 Xiaofan Guo Xiaofan Guo https://spo600-xguo68.blogspot.com xguo68
8 Artem Pankov Artem Pankov https://blog08310.wordpress.com/list-of-posts/ apankov
9 Jas Sandhu Jas https://opencodestream.wordpress.com jsandhu50
10 Aditya Rahman Aditya https://spo600blogaditya.wordpress.com/ arahman27
11 Andrei Agmata Andrei https://andrei-agmata-spo600.blogspot.com/ aagmata
12 Carmen Whitton Carmen Whitton https://assemblyoptimization.wordpress.com/ cwhitton
13 Mirim Kim Mirim https://mirimkim00.blogspot.com/ mkim251
14 Devam Hetalkumar Shah Devam https://dhshah9-spo600.blogspot.com pgarg13