BTP300 Team RAAP
BTP300 Fall 2011 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources
SVN Repository link: svn://
Repo ID
Trunk Status
- Added Assignment 1 to trunk folder: committed by Archana
- Added Assignment 2 to tags and trunk folder: committed by Archana
Team Members
Project Status
Assignment 2
- Started Assignment 2: Oct 12, 2011
- Divided Assignment 2 among team members: Oct 12, 2011
- Worked on CFrame, drawing the box and capturing the characters the box covers : Renaldo H, Oct 18, 2011
- Complied a2test.cpp and all classes successfully : Ari A, Oct 26, 2011
- Completed CFrame.cpp and CFrame.h : Ari A, Oct 28, 2011
- Assignment 2 completed
Assignment 3
- Divided Assignment 3 among team members: Nov 11, 2011