BTP300 Weekly Schedule 20113
BTP300 Fall 2011 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources
[hide]Weekly Schedule 20113
Week 1 - Sep 4
This Week
To Do
- Download Visual Studio 2010 from ACS and install it on your local computer
- Install the Borland compiler
- Install puTTY to communicate with matrix
- Start Assignment 1
Week 2 - Sep 11
This Week
To Do
- Start Workshop 1
- Continue working on Assignment 1
Week 3 - Sep 18
This Week
To Do
- Start Workshop 2
- Continue working on Assignment 1
Week 4 - Sep 25
This Week
- Functions
- Programmer-Defined Types
- Wikis
- Introduction
- Project Tracking
To Do
- Start Workshop 3
- Project
- Add your name and information to BTP300Student List 20113
- Form teams, identify team members (4-5 members) and add your team and its members to BTP300 Teams 20113 By Friday 30th.
Week 5 - Oct 2
This Week
- Quiz 1
- Programmer-Defined Types (continued)
- Abstract Base Classes
- Hints for Using SVN to collaborate on school projects (demo in class)
To Do
- Prepare your repository for your team members to start working on Assignment 2
- Read Assignment 2 and allocate the responsibilities amongst the team members
- Download Tortoise SVN and install it on your local computer.
- Project
- Projects
- Download Page of TortoiseSVN
- TortoiseSVN Documentation
Week 6 - Oct 9
This Week
- Multiple Inheritance
- review of handout
- order of construction and destruction (base, derived, derived as listed)
- early and late binding (increment() call)
- review of inheritance
- private, protected, public
- order of construction and destruction
- shadowing
- compile-time and run-time binding
To Do
- complete Workshop 4
- start working on assignment 2
- start studying for mid-term
Week 7 - Oct 16
This Week
- Kinds of Polymorphism
- ad-hoc (coercion and overloading)
- universal (inclusion and parametric)
- dynamic run-time identification
- Templates
- Mid-Term Test
- two full periods
- two questions - one walkthrough, one word problem
- course textbook
- one study sheet both sides
To Do
- continue working on assignment
Week 8 - Oct 30
This Week
- More on Arrays
- one-dimensional - static and dynamic
- two-dimensional - static and dynamic
- ragged arrays
- Practice on Two-Dimensional Arrays
- Lists
- stacks
- queues
- doubly linked lists
- Practice on Linked Lists
- Assignment 3 - Overview
To Do
- Start Workshop 5 on Templates
- Start working on Assignment 3
- Read specifications and discuss with team members
- Upgrade code from assignment 2 to prepare for new classes
- Configuration File
- consolelineedit.cpp
- CFrame
- CField
Week 9 - Nov 6
This Week
- Standard Library
- Vectors
- Deques
- Iterators
- Lists
- Algorithms
- String Class
- Practice on Standard Template Library
- File Streams
- ios Class Hierarchy
- Buffering
- File Objects
- Reading and Writing
- Practice on Files Objects
- Binary Access
- Practice on Binary Access
To Do
- Start Workshop 7 on Linked Lists
- Continue working on Assignment 3
- CValidLine
- CSwitch
- CMenuItem