BTP300 Fall 2011 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources
Repo ID
Trunk Status
committed by [NAME] / being committed by [NAME]
- Muhammad Ahsan Expert
- Saad Arif Tauseef Novice
- Nitin Parkash Panicker Expert
- Imtiaz Latif Novice
Project Status
Member | Task Completed |
Muhammad Ahsan | CFrame,CField,CDialog,CButton |
Nitin Prakash Panicker | CFrame,CField,CDialog |
Imtiaz Latif | CLine |
Saad Arif Tauseef | CLabel |
Member | Task Assigned |
Muhammad Ahsan | CText,CBlock |
Nitin Prakash Panicker | CMenuItem,CBlock |
Imtiaz Latif | CSwitch & CField upgrade |
Saad Arif Tauseef | CValidLine |
Project 3 progress
CSwitch (incomplete) Transferred to trunk - Dec01,2011 - Committed by Imtiaz Latif
CSwitch (Completed) Transferred to trunk - Dec12,2011 - by Imtiaz Latif
CField upgraded for Assignment 3. by Imtiaz Latif