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BTP300Student List 20113

Student List for Fall of 2011

Please add your information to the student list below by adding the following to the end of table code (if you are a student in BTP300, Fall of 2011).

|[[User:WUN | FN]]||LN||[[TPN |TN]] ||
SUB||[ LID]||[[Special:Contributions/WUN | WUN]]||IN||[BURL BN]

Replace the following with your own information when adding the row to the table:

  • WUN: Your Wiki User name
  • FN: Your First Name
  • LN: Your Last Name
  • TPN: Your Team/Project Page Name on wiki
  • TN: Your Team name
  • SUB: Your Subject(BTP300)
  • LID: Your seneca email ID (learn id)
  • IN: Your IRC Registered Nickname
  • BURL: Your Blog URL (if you do have one)
  • BN: Your Blog Title

If your information is not added to the following table, your assignment mark will be penalized.

BTP300 - Fall of 2011 student list
First Name Last Name Team Name Subject Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick Blog URL Repository
Chris Szalwinski Team Name BTP300 chris.szalwinski Chris Szalwinski
Dmitry Garanin Team The Only One BTP300 dgaranin Dmitry Garanin
Alex Craig Vendetta BTP300 acraig1 Alex Craig
Krishanthan Lingeswaran Team Numero UNO BTP300 klingeswaran Krishanthan Lingeswaran
Simon De Almeida Team The Only One BTP300 sdealmeida Simon De Almeida
Calvin Au Team IMBA BTP300 ccau1 Calvin Au
Artem Kukilov Team IMBA BTP300 akulikov1 Artem Kulikov
Charan Singh Team Numero UNO BTP300 csingh25 Charan Singh
Johann Manzano Team IMBA BTP300 jamanzan@learn johpan johpan ???
Denise Rigato Team IMBA BTP300 dcrigato@learn drigato
Sandra To Team IMBA BTP300 sto5 Sandra To
Archana Sahota RAAP BTP300 asahota1 Archana Sahota asahota btp300_113rep7
Dennis Villasenor Team 01 BTP300 dennis.villasenor Dennis Villasenor dvillase
Barath Kumar Vendetta BTP300 bkumar3 Barath Kumar
Vince Lee Vendetta BTP300 vlee34 Vince Lee
Mark Aronin Vendetta BTP300 maronin maronin
Krush Pachani Team FUM BTP300 kkpachan Krush Pachani
Michael Veis Team FUM BTP300 mlveis Michael Veis
Neil Guzman Team NVG BTP300 nbguzman Nbguzman
Filza Tahir Team FUM BTP300 ftahir2 Filza Tahir
Meet Godhani Team NVG BTP300 [1] Meet Godhani
Ari Azar RAAP BTP300 adazar Ari Azar btp300_113rep7
Lu Liu Team 01 BTP300 lliu30 Lu Liu
Adam Chan Team 01 BTP300 ajchan2 Adam Chan
Husain Fazal Team NVG BTP300 hfazal Husain Fazal
Andre East No Team BTP300 aeast1 Andre East
Imtiaz Latif IMNS BTP300 ilatif Imtiaz Latif
Pradeep Waragoda RAAP BTP300 ptwaragoda ptwaragoda btp300_113rep7
Renaldo Hylton RAAP BTP300 rshylton1 RenaldoH btp300_113rep7
Robert Stanica Team NVG BTP300 rwstanica rwstanica CptnKrunch
Preshoth Paramalingam Team NVG BTP300 pparamalingam2 pparamalingam2
Nitin Prakash IMNS BTP300 nprakashpanicker nprakashpanicker
Muhammad Ahsan IMNS BTP300 mahsan3 M Ahsan
Frank Panico Team Dream BTP300 fpanico Frank Panico
Tudor Minea Team Dream BTP300 tminea-manolachi Tudor Minea
Michael Ricci Team Dream BTP300 mfricci1 Michael Ricci
Saad Tauseef Team IMNS BTP300 stauseef1 Saad Tauseef
Umair Ali Team FUM BTP300 uali1 Umair Ali
Constantin Baramidze [[ | ]] BTP300 cbaramidze Constantin Baramidze
Vasil Rimar Team Dream BTP300 vnrimar Vasil Rimar