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Automated localization build tool

Revision as of 11:33, 13 October 2007 by Armenzg (talk | contribs) (added some regular expressions)

Project Name

automated localization tool - This tool should allow that given a locale and a set of changes (unknown how) gives a build of the same language but different region (e.g. en-IN from en-GB)

Project Description

  • THE BUG - Bug 399014 – we need an l10n-merge tool
  • Learn python
  • Understand the scripts from the test l10n tools
  • Understand the l10n build system
  • Reproduce en-IN from en-GB
  • Determine what our Python based system will "do" in 0.1 release

Tool's 0.1 Release Functionality & Features

  • Should be able to accept a localization file
  • Should be able to accept a Firefox build (eg; en-GB or en-US)
  • Stores file's data locally (need to use IO if .txt file (or) XML Parser if it's an .xml file). So this would be taking the key/value pairs and storing them in a Dictionary (Dictionary is the equivalent of a Map in Java) or something along those lines.
  • Read through every DTD and Properties file in the current directory with the "" file
  • Changes the word "color" to "colour" in every DTD file and have it saved

Project Leader(s)

Project Details

  • Our script for now; We will be also posting on the bug 399014
  • We are also awaiting for some code that dynamis has been working on in Japan
  • Notes from Axel(pike) about the project
  • Team notes - we collect notes related to the project
  • Armen's MozDev process - diary - You can read notes of what Armen has been trying
  • The l10n tools are in mxr.m.o/mozilla/source/testing/l10n
  • The file we have been using: using the DTDParser()
  • mozilla/tools/l10n/ might give you an idea of what it takes to copy existing data over to a new location
  • To get the l10n tools type: $> cvs -z3 co mozilla/tools/l10n mozilla/testing/tests/l10n

  • Some notes from trying to get en-GB (read more):
* make -f l10n-checkout MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser MOZ_CO_LOCALES=en-GB LOCALES_CO_TAG=HEAD
* An option for the .mozconfig: mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/../en-GB
  • To get en-US:
  • To check the completness of your localization //takes long
* make -f tools/l10n/ check-l10n
  • To fill out what is missing in the source of your localization
* MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser make -f tools/l10n/ create-en-GB
  • Change we should make to a localization source code(I'm not sure about the regular expressions):
>> color(s) -> colour(s) -- re.sub(r'([Cc])olor', r'\1olour', instring)
>> dialogue  -> dialog -- re.sub(r'([Dd])ialogue', r'\1ialog', instring)
>> Go forward -> Go forwards -- 
>> Minimize -> Minimise
>> Center -> Centre
>> Organize -> Organise
>> Customize -> Customise

Project news

There are some common news from the collaborators that should be written here rather than splitting it between the collaborators:

  • Sep. 24, 2007 - We are going to have a call conference with Michal from Toronto office
  • Oct. 05, 2007 - Python will be our language of choice for this project which is a great opportunity to thoroughly learn it since it will be our first time using it. Determined some main tasks ahead of us before 0.1 release (tasks mentioned in Product Description).
  • Oct. 07, 2007 - Added an 0.1 Release Functionality & Features section to the wiki so we have a clear description of what our project's 0.1 release should be able to do.
  • Oct. 12, 2007 - Updated 0.1 Release Functionality & Features section. A lot of the 0.1 code has been done.


- There are no bugs related specifically to the project, but the following were mentioned in our conversations

Project Contributor(s)