Winter 2011 Presentation Handouts
Prepare a wiki page containing the information for your handout. Your prof will format and print the handouts overnight.
Each handout page should contain the sections on this template (copy and paste the template page's text to start your handout page).
Handout wiki pages are due by 11:59 pm on Tue Apr 12.
Handout Wiki Pages
Create links here in the form "Winter 2011 Handout - Name of Project"
- example: Winter 2011 Handout - Arm Virtual Machine
- Winter 2011 Handout - Fedora-ARM Package Building and Troubleshooting
- Winter 2011 Handout - Installing Func In the Arm Build Farm
- Winter 2011 Handout - RPM-Based ARM Kernels for Fedora ARM
- Winter 2011 Handout - Koji Setup Documentation
- Winter 2011 Handout - CreateRepo Performance Improvements
- Winter 2011 Handout - Package the Weave Server
- Winter 2011 Handout - Installing and Configuring Icinga to Monitor the Arm Build Farm
- 3-5 minutes + Q&A
- Video projector available for demonstrations (suggest driving this off a wiki page).
- If you are going to use slides, please use Impress to create them, and send them to Chris Tyler well in advance.
Please list the presentations here:
- Icinga Packaging - Mike Kirton
- Panda Board Optimization - Stephen Hall