Video Planning
[hide]Purpose of this Brainstorming Session
This is a "Brain Storming" session to discuss a video to promote the computer lab, and using technology for empowering volunteers.
ATTENNTION: Currently you are in the page section of the wiki, to contribute to the brainstorming session, please go to the discussion area (i.e. click on the "discussion" tab at the top...
We value your participation in the project. We are not trying to "force upon you" the wiki, but to hopefully use it as a tool to accerate discussion and successful planning and evluation of this project.
Focus of this Brainstorming Session
To be discussed
Description of "Brainstorming Rules"
participants must abide by the following rules:
- In order to participate, you need to log-in or create an account to use (it is free and open to the public). If you cannot remember your username or password, you can simply create a new username and password (although I would recommend to record down for future WIKI participation...
- You are required to participate in this conversation within the stated time frame (indicated by Facilitator) in the discussion area.
- All conversations are required to occur in the discussion area.
- All comments should be proactive and relative to the topic.
- Brainstormingfacilitator will referee this session and has final "say".
- Members must add this brainstorming session (WIKI) to their watchlist in order to consistently check for member contribution. You "watch" a WIKI page by clicking on the watch tab at the top. It will change to unwatch, but that just acts like a toggle switch (i.e. leave it on "unwatch"). In the future, after logging into your WIKI with your account information, click on My WatchList for activity. As a general rule, you should check your WIKI watchlist with similar regularity to checking your e-mail.
- For discussions, in bold print state your user name first, followed by colon, then text.
- Facilitator will summarize at the end of the brainstorming session.
- After facilitator gives summary, all members must "sign-off by adding an "X" by their name (that section is added by facilitator near end of this session)" to confirm they read and agree to facilitator's summary of this session.
- After "sign-off", then facilitator cuts discussion and pastes a new meeting link in the main page. In this way, future brainstorming sessions can use this WIKI.
- WIKIs record history, so people trying to remove content will be visible...
Brainstorming Session Time Frame
To be announced...