[hide]Name of Project
Currently on hiatus.
Replace the existing nsIProcess interface with new interface that:
- supports Unicode on all platforms
- supports piping to and from processes
- can handle asynchronous I/O via callbacks
- is available through Components.utils.import("resource://gre/process.js") or a similar JS module approach.
Steve Lee
Mark Finkle, Benjamin Smedberg, Ted Mielczarek, Jason Orendorff
News and updates
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News and Progress
Currently on hiatus. Work will resume after final exams in Decemeber 2009.
(Click dates for attachments or info)
Sept 21, 2008: A first draft (an alpha version really) of the API is posted.
Sept 22, 2008: Released an updated version of an extension that serves as a temporary work around for nsIProcess bugs.
Sept 25, 2008: Submitted patch to bugzilla.
Oct 3, 2008: Submitted revised patch to bugzilla.
Oct 12, 2008: Opened a bug on NSPR lack of unicode support for Unicode arguments.
Nov 11, 2008: Submitted a new patch to bugzilla with Unicode support for Windows.
Nov 23, 2008: Submitted a new patch to bugzilla with isRunning() method.
Jan 25, 2009: Submitted a new patch with unit tests.
Mar 5, 2009: Submitted a new patch with minor revisions. The bug has now also been marked blocking‑fennec.
Mar 9, 2009: Changed interface to return void on run.
Mar 12, 2009: Patch pushed to mozilla-central. (Followed by a minor bustage fix.)
Mar 19, 2009: Filed a new enhancement bug that ties together the various features in the next stage of development.
The code will be done in trunk. To get changeset:
hg pull
Or to generate a plain text patch file containing all deviations from trunk visit:
The API for nsIProcess is not fully implemented. At present, the PID of a created process is not retained and cannot be killed. The API would also benifit from a new spec that includes inter-process communication.
An example of an API that for creating processes and communicating with them through STDIN/STDOUT is the Python subprocess module:
The goal of this project is to create a similar API for Mozilla.
API proposal
Existing API
Code snippet of how to use the existing API
Existing Code
Relevant bugs
Implement a replacement for nsIProcess
nsIProcess.kill() does not work on Win32
Implement inter-process communication (IPC) in Mozilla
PR_CreateProcess in NSPR needs unicode support
Submitted patches
Bug 442393 patches: Patches submitted to fix Bug 442393 - nsIProcess.kill() does not work on Win32
Meetings (Chronological)
Sept 19, 2008: Discussion with Benjamin Smedberg and David Humphrey to discuss the new API proposal.
Sept 22, 2008: Discussion with Mark Finkle and David Humphrey about the API design.
Sept 23, 2008: Discussion with Mark Finkle about using NSPR.
Oct 8, 2008: Discussion about string types and Windows paths in NSPR.
Oct 29, 2008: Advice regarding PRProcess type.
Nov 5, 2008: Getting advice on callbacks across XPConnect divide.
Nov 7, 2008: Round table on Unicode support.
Nov 23, 2008: Discussion about pathnames in xpcshell.