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EAC234 Assignment 1

18 bytes added, 12:40, 1 February 2007
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#How has SF grown and matured as a literary genre? Use two of the assigned readings to illustrate the growth – you may also refer to works that preceded the ones you are talking about to illustrate the growth.
#Is science a necessary element of a science fiction story? Defend your argument using at least two of the assigned readings. (Justin Chan)
#What is the author saying about men's expectation of women in “Helen O'Loy” and “The Perfect Woman”? (Raymond Birch, Glenn Macapinlac)
#Why did the author choose the narrator he did in “Helen O'Loy” and “Flowers for Algernon”?(Luis Silva)
#Ideas often take precedence over characterization in SF stories. Illustrate this using two of the assigned readings.

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