* auto added
* keywords filled in
* first draft notes completed including file objects, function templates and abstract base classes* standards history brought up to date* to be done for the next draft** more diagrams to be added** outcomes and quotes to file objectsbe reviewed** which sections are optional** should anything else be included* Danny A disagreed to adding abstract base classes, function templates and file objects was discussed - Danny A disagreed and voiced the opinion his concern that there was barely enough time to introduce inheritance - although there was no consensus reached on this point, Chris S will move forward with the additions and we will see what happens
* Sorry I am late to respond, generally I agree we should follow Chris S notes and I would like encourage newer practices found in C11 for IPC144/OOP344, and in C++0x for OOP244/OOP344. This means stuff like using auto to let compiler decipher type, nullptr to initialize pointers. Students should also learn how to debug programs that are not working based on error messages from compiler, crashes, incorrect programming practices. Making a mistake is ok but repeatedly not initializing pointers, local variables, etc. is a common reason for frustration. Just my thoughts - MF
=== OOP344/BTP300 ===
* no progress yet