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Fall 2013 SBR600 Weekly Schedule

6 bytes removed, 22:35, 23 September 2013
Project Selection
*** See what work has already been done related to that project. Check the Seneca wiki for work by previous SBR600 semesters, the upstream project's wiki and mailing list archives for information about the current state of the project, and the web for related information (similar projects being done by other groups).
*** Join the mailing lists and IRC channels of the upstream community.
** Update the [[Winter Fall 2013 SBR600 Participants]] table with your project information, according to the instructions at the top of that page.
* On Thursday we'll sort out project conflicts.
* [[User:Chris Tyler|Your professor]] will approve your project selection via the [[Winter Fall 2013 SBR600 Participants|participants page]].* Link your project title on the [[Winter Fall 2013 SBR600 Participants|participants page]] to a page of the same name to create a project page. Copy the contents of the [[Sample Project]] page to your project page and fill in the details.
This week, finalize your project plans and get started on your project:

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