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FSOSS 2013 Robotics Competition

829 bytes added, 16:38, 26 September 2013
Division D - Exhibition Only
{{Draft}}[[Category:FSOSS 2013]]
== Autonomous Robot Competition ==
=== Draft Rules - Version 2 - 2013-08-14 ===
==== Overview ====
==== Date and Location ====
The competition will be held in the Stephen E. Quinlan (SEQ) building at Seneca@York, 70 The Pond Mill Road, Toronto ([]) on Thursday, October 24, 2013 during [ FSOSS 2013]. ==== Registration ==== To register your team for the robotics competition please contact: [] with the following information:* Team name* Number of team members* Name of each team member* Competition level** Secondary school** Post secondary** Open* Affiliation** Name/Address of school/company if any
==== Divisions ====
* Teams will consist of 1-3 team members.
* Scoring will be maze completion time in seconds multiplied by the weight of the robot in kilograms recorded to three decimal places (1 gram resolution) (lower is better).
* The maze will be constructed of various materials, possibly including: glass or plexiglass; wood/metal/plastic/composite with various finishes; metal or fibreglass mesh, either rigid or on a frame; and surfaces covered with soft fabric (such as felt or velour). ===== Division D - Exhibition Only ===== * This division is for teams whose robots do not meet competition specifications (see robot requirements below) but nevertheless would like to run their robots through the maze.* No prizes will be awarded to entrants in this division.
==== Robot Requirements ====
# Each robot must be completely self-contained: all power, sensors, logic, and mechanisms must be (and remain during operation) within the dimensions stated above.
# Each robot must weigh not more than 5 kg.
# Each robot must not communicate with any external devices by radio, infrared, or any other communication techniqueexcluding the following:## A robot with a video camera may stream what it sees to an external server.## A robot may receive satellite GPS data to know its position.
# Each robot must contain suitable sensors for navigating the maze. Any non-destructive, safe sensing technology may be used (such as ultrasonic, radar, infrared, or touch). The sensing technology must not require any special license, environmental conditions, or protective gear (e.g., if radar is used, it must not require a radio license; if laser is used, it must not require that observers wear goggles).
# No robot may produce any material emissions (such as a gaseous exhaust).
* Best Score (time in seconds times weight in kilograms, lowest is best)
===== All Devisions Divisions - Excluding Division D =====
* Most innovative technology
==== Other ====
Entrants are responsible for all costs of entry, including constructing their robot robots and travelling to and from FSOSS. They are also responsible for paying for their FSOSS registration(s). However, there are no additional entrance fees for this competition.
=== For More Information ===

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