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OSTEP Infrastructure

3 bytes removed, 13:46, 7 August 2013
== Introduction ==
Here is a copy of the script: [place link to zenit wiki[Smart-Backup-Source]]
Here at CDOT, our current backup solution was a little archaic, and hard to expand on. I decided to make a new method of backup that can be run from a single computer and backup our entire infrastructure. This script is currently, as I'm writing this not in a finished state, however it is in a state where it works and is usable as a replacement to our previous system. I would like to pose a warning that this method of backup across systems is not a very secure method, and it does pose security threats. Since it does require you to give some users nopasswd sudo access to some or all programs. I am looking for a way around this, and would appreciate any input on this matter.

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