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Team Sonic

27 bytes removed, 20:58, 8 March 2013
CudaRabbit, volume size 128.
C:\Users\pvaaheeswaran\Desktop\cuda rabbit>CudaRabbit.exe LolaBunny.dll rabbitct_512-v2.rctd result 128/
RabbitCT runner
Info: using 4 buffer subsets with 240 projections each.
Running ... this may take some time.
Quality of reconstructed volume:
Root Mean Squared Error: 38914.3 HU
Mean Squared Error: 1.51433e+009 HU^2
Max. Absolute Error: 65535 HU
PSNR: -19.5571 dB
Runtime statistics:
Total: 0.004881 s
Average: 0.00508437 ms
FULL RUNTIME: 0.512 secs
C:\Users\pvaaheeswaran\Desktop\cuda rabbit>
=== Assignment 3 ===

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