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{{Admon/tip|Performing this Lab off the Seneca network (eg. at home)|'''It is recommended to perform this lab in one of Seneca College's labs'''. This lab uses servers which are on the Seneca network and which are not available from other locations (such as your home). If you attempt this lab from another location, adjust the belmont.senecac.on.ca URLs to point to another [http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/publiclist Fedora mirror server] -- note that you may need to change the directory name as well as the server name. The installation of the '''fedora3''' virtual machine <u>must</u> be done at Seneca.}}
# '''Open a web-browser''', and open the '''OPS235 Lab #2 WIKI'''. '''<br /><br />NOTE:''' You need to enter your "MySeneca" username and password to obtain a "wired" Internet connection (otherwise, you will not be able to perform the "groupinstall" command in the next step). Remember to perform a "wired-connection" (logging in with your MySeneca username and passwordvia a web-browser) every time you boot-up your host machine...<br /><br />
# Install the Fedora virtualization software: <code>yum groupinstall "Virtualization"</code> or <code>pkcon install @virtualization</code> The virtualization software installed is in three parts:
:* '''A system service named ''libvirtd''''' that manages the VMs.