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Delta Debugging Framework Roadmap

48 bytes removed, 23:30, 22 December 2006
Roadmap to Version 0.1
<td bgcolor="#FFFF00">Work in progress. Currently, it can theoretically find the failure inducing revision, and the minimal failure inducing set of directories, and the minimal failure inducing set files. It will also easily scale to find the minimal failure inducing set of code blocks and lines of code (when those changeset types get done) with only minor additions to one subroutine. Works in theory. Untested in practice.</td>
<td>Perform a controlled test of the framework to determine whether or not it works. Fix any bugs found that prevented the framework from properly working. Re-run tests. Validate the correctness of the results to ensure that the framework outputs the correct minimal set of failure inducing revision, directories, and files.</td>
<td>[[User:RichardChu|Richard Chu]]</td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFF00">This is a work in progress. It is able to find the last known good revision. I am indeterminate on whether or not it It can also find the minimal set of failure -inducing directories and files.</td>
<br />
<table style="width: 100%;" class="standard-table" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td colspan="4"><strong>Milestone& Official Release</strong>
<tdcolspan="4">Version 0.1 is Feature Complete</td> <td>All of the tasks listed in the Roadmap to Version 0.1 are completed.</td> <td>---</td> <td bgcolor="#FF0000">This should only be marked green when All of the tasks listed in the Roadmap to Version 0.1 are have been completed.</td>
=Version 0.2=

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