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BTP300A Team 42 A2 Weekly Log

891 bytes added, 20:22, 19 November 2012
no edit summary
==Study Week==
* (Petr) Started coding CField
==Week 8==
*10/29 (Kirill) Started working on my classes
*10/30 Added Lu Liu in the team, gave him CButton class. CLabel and CField are done
* (* Petr) Coded CField...working on cdialog
==Week 8==** Kirill will work on extra features
*10/29 (Kirill) Started working on my classes
*10/30 Added Lu Liu in the team, gave him CButton class
** Kirill will work on extra features and custom main
*10/30 (Lu) reviewed previous codes and started to work on CButton class
   ==Week 9==*11/5 (Monday) Lu will work on CLine classalso.  ** Petr working on CDialog ** Kirill working on porting extra features from a1 to a2 format and modifying / optimizing as required *11/6 CButton is done. CDialog is done *11/8 CLine is done *11/9 Started debugging a2r2 over vsa    ==Week 10== *11/12 a2r3 passes the a2 tests provided on vs and matrix. ** (Petr) worked on custom main application for a2r3 ** (Kirill) worked on / debugged extra features ** (Lu) debugged CLine/CField/CButton classes further ** applies to rest of week   *11/17 Encountered problem compiling with a2test on Borland platform (deprecated compiler). ** Worked on debugging for Borland compilation *11/18 Borland issue tracked down (issue converting from bool* to bool in a2test.cpp) *11/19 A2 passes every test and custom main works successfully on every platform/ ** A2 submitted

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